[off-topic] Sony releases PS Vita SDK

Paulo Pinto pjmlp at progtools.org
Fri Apr 20 06:13:49 PDT 2012

Language with pointers does not mean a thing for systems programming, there
are quite a few VM languages with pointers.

Even BASIC can be a systems programing language by that metric (PEEK/POKE).


"SomeDude"  wrote in message news:dtklqpimpbunmevhvhqi at forum.dlang.org... 

On Friday, 20 April 2012 at 06:43:51 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:
> Well, C# can also be real systems programming language, see 
> Singularity.
> And native code compilers are also available (Bartok, Mono AOT, 
> NGEN).
> D names itself a system programming language, but I am yet to 
> see any OS
> coded on it. Without system programming examples, it becomes 
> just another
> application level language.

I once asked on reddit what "system programming language" meant, 
and the 3 answers I received were: a language that gives full 
access to memory", i.e basically a language with pointers. Not 
one mentioned being suitable for programming operating systems.
Yet, if you forget the standard library, disable the GC, and use 
a subset of the language (no exceptions for instance), I suppose 
it's possible to write low level code with it.

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