Deterministic life-time storage type

Michel Fortin michel.fortin at
Sun Apr 22 04:12:03 PDT 2012

On 2012-04-22 06:41:46 +0000, travert at (Christophe 
Travert) said:

> Michel Fortin , dans le message (digitalmars.D:164824), a écrit :
>> So with your system, how do you write the swap function?
> I've thought about that.
> The scope(label) is the key.
> void T swap(T)(scope T a, scope(a) T b)
> {
>   scope(a) tmp = a;
>   a = b;
>   b = tmp;
> }
> scope(inout) would also do the trick, since it is implicitely shared
> between parameters and return values.

Your proposal is very similar to some things that were discussed in 
2008 when escape analysis became the topic of the day on this 
newsgroup. There were two problems for adoption: it makes writing 
functions difficult (because you have to add all that scoping thing to 
your mental model) and implementing new type modifiers is a major 
undertaking that didn't fit with the schedule. While the second problem 
might disappear given enough time, the first one is a hurdle.

You might find this a good read:


Michel Fortin
michel.fortin at

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