Escaping control in formatting
Denis Shelomovskij
verylonglogin.reg at
Mon Apr 23 12:06:02 PDT 2012
23.04.2012 21:49, Denis Shelomovskij написал:
> 23.04.2012 21:15, kenji hara написал:
>> 2012年4月24日1:14 Denis Shelomovskij<verylonglogin.reg at>:
>>> 23.04.2012 18:54, kenji hara написал:
>>>> Please give us use cases. I cannot imagine why you want to
>>>> change/remove quotations but keep escaped contents.
>>> Sorry, I should mention that !' and !" are optional and aren't commonly
>>> used, and all !?* are very optional and are here just for completeness
>>> (IMHO).
>>> An example is generating a complicated string for C/C++:
>>> ---
>>> myCppFile.writefln(`tmp = "%!?"s, and %!?"s, and even %!?"s";`,
>>> str1, str2, str3)
>>> ---
>>> --
>>> Денис В. Шеломовский
>>> Denis V. Shelomovskij
>> During my improvements of std.format module, I have decided a design.
>> If you format some values with a format specifier, you should unformat
>> the output with same format specifier.
>> Example:
>> import std.format, std.array;
>> auto aa = [1:"hello", 2:"world"];
>> auto writer = appender!string();
>> formattedWrite(writer, "%s", aa);
>> aa = null;
>> auto output =;
>> formattedRead(output, "%s",&aa); // same format specifier
>> assert(aa == [1:"hello", 2:"world"]);
>> More details:
>> I call this "reflective formatting", and it supports simple text based
>> serialization and de-serialization.
>> Automatic quotation/escaping for nested elements is necessary for the
>> feature.
>> But your proposal will break this design very easy, and it is
>> impossible to unformat the outputs reflectively.
>> For these reasons, your suggestion is hard to accept.
>> Kenji Hara
> Is there sum misunderstanding?
> Reflective formatting is good! But it isn't what you always want. It is
> needed mostly for debug purposes. But debugging is one of two usings of
> formatting, the second one is just writing something somewhere.
> There are already some non-reflective constructs (like "%(%(%c%), %)"
> for a range and "X%sY%sZ" for strings) and I just propose adding more
> comfortable ones because every second time I use formatting I use it for
> writing (I mean not for debugging).
Completely forgot. %!+s in my proposal is exactly for reflective
formatting (e.g. "X%!+sY%!+sZ" in reflective for strings).
Денис В. Шеломовский
Denis V. Shelomovskij
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