Compiling DMD for the iPhone simulator

Jacob Carlborg doob at
Wed Apr 25 23:56:02 PDT 2012

On 2012-04-26 01:51, Michel Fortin wrote:
> On 2012-04-25 20:00:42 +0000, Jacob Carlborg <doob at> said:
>> I'm trying to compile DMD for the iPhone simulator. I've modified the
>> makefile to point to the files (SDK, g++ and so on) in
>> <path>/iPhoneSimulator.platform. DMD compiles successfully but when I
>> run DMD without any flags it prints:
>> "read error, errno = 2"
>> And then the regular usage information. When I try to compile a file
>> it says:
>> read error, errno = 2
>> read error, errno = 2
>> Error: cannot read file main.d

It turned out to be a problem with DMD. It had declared a type as 
"unsigned int" instead of "size_t". stat.st_size appears to be 64bit in 
the iPhone simulator SDK.

Then I got a new problem. When I compile druntime it complains about 
conflicting module names. Somehow it seems the package name disappears.

> Are you running it straight from the command line? I suspect libraries
> in the simulator SDK need the simulator's environment to work, which is
> a pile of undocumented things.

Yes, just as you can, I assume, with the compilers already present in 

> I'm also quite curious about what you're trying to achieve.

I was planning to try and run a D program in the iPhone simulator. As a 
first step, I thought it would be much easier then running it on the 
real device. The simulator runs 32bit code and not ARM.

If we eventual can run D program on iOS devices I'm pretty sure we also 
want to run them on the simulator.

Can't hurt to try and see what it takes :)

/Jacob Carlborg

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