comma operator causes hard to spot bugs
David Nadlinger
see at
Sat Apr 28 09:35:33 PDT 2012
On Saturday, 28 April 2012 at 06:44:08 UTC, Manfred Nowak wrote:
> Does fruitfullness reach up to hundred characters or ten tokens?
The point I was hinting at is that abstract lexical distance
isn't necessarily a valid metric for how similar two snippets of
code appear to be, resp. how easy it is to make hard-to-find
mistakes in a hurry.
On a related note – and please do not take this as a personal
attack, but rather as a suggestion how your participation in
online discussions might become more, uhm, fruitful – I
sometimes wonder if you deliberately try _not_ to understand
other people. Communicating, let alone doing so efficiently,
doesn't work that way.
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