Release items
Andrei Alexandrescu
SeeWebsiteForEmail at
Fri Aug 3 10:01:34 PDT 2012
On 8/3/12 12:56 PM, Alex Rønne Petersen wrote:
> On 03-08-2012 18:48, Russel Winder wrote:
>> Nice to see 2.060 out, good job everyone involved.
>> A few quick questions, if I may:
>> There is an Ubuntu deb, but it isn't clear which version of Ubuntu the
>> deb is for. Unless everything in the deb is self-contained and
>> statically linked, this could be a problem.
> It should work with Oneiric and up at least. Don't know about Debian.
>> There is no Debian or Mint deb, is this just lack of resources or
>> decision not to support anything other than Ubuntu?
> The .deb will work on Debian, Ubuntu, and Linux Mint. I can confirm the
> latter two at least, and I know others use it on Debian.
>> There is a Fedora RPM, but it isn't clear which version of Fedora the
>> RPM is for. Unless everything in the RPM is self-contained and
>> statically linked, this could be a problem.
>> Currently I am downloading and installing the zip file but it would be
>> nice to switch to using debs on my Debian Unstable.
> I don't see any reason you can't use the .deb.
Alex, you seem to be quite versed with some OSs that are not represented
on the download page. Could you please author a pull request to add them
(along with their logo)?
Thanks much,
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