The review of std.hash package
Christophe Travert
travert at
Wed Aug 8 04:12:35 PDT 2012
I'm not familiar with hash functions in general.
I think the core of std.hash is the digest function:
digestType!Hash digest(Hash)(scope const(void[])[] data...)
Hash hash;
foreach(datum; data)
return hash.finish();
That seems to be too restrictive: you can only provide a void[][] or one
or several void[], but you should be able to give it any range of
void[] or of ubyte[] like:
auto dig = file.byChunk.digest!MD5;
That's the point of the range interface.
this can be done by templatizing the function, something like
template digest(Hash) if(isDigest!Hash)
auto digest(R)(R data)
if (isInputRange!R && is(ElementType!R : void[])
Hash hash;
return hash.finish();
An interesting overload for range of single ubyte could be provided.
This overload would fill a buffer of with data from this range,
feed the hash, and start again.
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