Modulo Bug?
thiezz at
Sun Aug 12 06:57:27 PDT 2012
On Sunday, 12 August 2012 at 08:43:53 UTC, Alex Rønne Petersen
> On 11-08-2012 20:54, Thiez wrote:
>> On Saturday, 11 August 2012 at 17:15:21 UTC, Norbert Nemec
>> wrote:
>>> On 11.08.2012 18:13, bearophile wrote:
>>>> David:
>>>>> Thanks! I thought modulo should alawys yield the same ...
>>>>> seems like I
>>>>> was wrong ;)
>>>> It's C design that's wrong.
>>> And it's the processor design that makes it inefficient to
>>> correct it
>>> nowadays.
>>> Python's definition of modulo is far more useful than C's.
>>> Implemented
>>> in machine code, however, it takes several additional
>>> commands because
>>> the integer division is hardwired to the C definition. I
>>> guess that
>>> hardware integer division in processors became popular only
>>> when C was
>>> already widely in use.
>> A few extra instructions (a CMOV followed by ADD should
>> suffice, yes?)
>> seems like a small price to pay if it can prevent bugs. Why
>> hasn't the
>> Python-modulo been made the default back when D was designed?
>> The
>> ever-so-slightly more efficient C-modulo could be provided in
>> a library.
>> Of course it's way too late to change it now...
> Keep in mind that not all CPUs have cmov, so you end up having
> to branch based on whether the CPU has it or not.
I think the following trick would work even on the 80386 (386+
should have the SETcc instructions):
assume divident in AEX, divisor in EBX or ECX (not EDX,
obviously). I'll assume it's in EBX.
CDQ // sign extend EAX to EDX:EAX
IDIV EBX // signed division
XOR EAX,EAX // clear EAX
BT EDX,31 // check if sign-bit of remainder is set
SETNC AL // AL = (EDX negative ? 0 : 1)
DEC AEX // EAX = (EDX negative ? 0xFFFF : 0)
AND EAX,EBX // EAX = (EDX negative ? EBX : 0)
ADD EDX,EAX // EAX = the correct modulo result
Obviously it's less appealing than a CMOV, but it should work (in
theory, I didn't test it...) and perhaps someone smarter could
make it even shorter. Apart form the IDIV, all instructions
should take only a single clock cycle on most x86s as far as I'm
As for other CPU architectures, perhaps those actually have a
'sane' modulo operator, which would make the hypothetical
presence or absence of a CMOV irrelevant :)
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