trait for (ddoc)-comments

Adam D. Ruppe destructionator at
Mon Aug 20 16:28:52 PDT 2012

On Monday, 20 August 2012 at 23:18:28 UTC, Chris Cain wrote:
> Although I like the idea and wouldn't mind seeing something 
> like this implemented, I disagree that it's a very simple 
> change. It would require that there be some sort of standard 
> for associating comments with their respective 
> methods/structs/classes.

dmd -D generates some html output based on comments.

If you do dmd -X -D, the json output includes the comment with 
the other data, but if you don't use -D, the comment isn't 
included. dmd must figure if you aren't generating documentation, 
it can just discard all doc comments.

We'd probably want to change that if doing comment as a trait, 
because it would be mysterious if it didn't work sometimes.

BTW I wanted a traits(comment) over the weekend myself. I was 
asked to generate some metadata for one of my app apis in XML 
format and send it up to a third party service. I ended up just 
adding the needed docs by hand.

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