Formatted read consumes input

monarch_dodra monarchdodra at
Thu Aug 23 04:33:13 PDT 2012

As title implies:

import std.stdio;
import std.format;

void main()
   string s = "42";
   int v;
   formattedRead(s, "%d", &v);
   writefln("[%s] [%s]", s, v);
[] [42]

Is this the "expected" behavior?

Furthermore, it is not possible to try to "save" s:
import std.stdio;
import std.format;
import std.range;

void main()
   string s = "42";
   int v;
   formattedRead(, "%d", &v);
   writefln("[%s] [%s]", s, v);
main.d(9): Error: template std.format.formattedRead does not 
match any function template declaration
Error: template std.format.formattedRead(R,Char,S...) cannot 
deduce template function from argument types 

The workaround is to have a named backup:
   auto ss =;
   formattedRead(ss, "%d", &v);

I've traced the root issue to formattedRead's signature, which is:
uint formattedRead(R, Char, S...)(ref R r, const(Char)[] fmt, S 

Is there a particular reason for this pass by ref? It is 
inconsistent with the rest of phobos, or even C's scanf?

Is this a file-able bug_report/enhancement_request?

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