Direct access to struct construction, copying and destruction

Steven Schveighoffer schveiguy at
Thu Aug 23 11:25:45 PDT 2012

On Wed, 11 Jul 2012 04:21:29 -0400, Benjamin Thaut  
<code at> wrote:

> I already now what type info does, it does nothing.
> The compiler fills in the xpostblit and xdtor fields of the  
> TypeInfo_Struct with the correct function pointers to postblit or  
> destruct functions. These fields always contain the correct function to  
> call. But the __postblit and __dtor funtions that are directly callable  
> on the struct itself, are only correct if there is a explicit destructor  
> / postblit constructor defined. So it shouldn't be much of a problem to  
> also expose the __fielddtor and __fieldpostblit functions that get  
> filled into the TypeInfo_Struct object anyway.

Also see this:


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