Consistency, Templates, Constructors, and D3
F i L
witte2008 at
Thu Aug 23 22:14:34 PDT 2012
DISCLAIMER: This isn't a feature request or anything like that.
It's ONLY intended to stir _constructive_ conversation and
criticism of D's existing features, and how to improve them _in
the future_ (note the 'D3' in the title).
I've had a couple of ideas recently about the importance of
consistency in a language design, and how a few languages I
highly respect (D, C#, and Nimrod) approach these issues. This
post is mostly me wanting to reach out to a community that enjoys
discussing such issues, in an effort to correct any
mis-conceptions I might hold, and to spread potentially good
ideas to the community in hopes that my favorite language will
benefit from our discussion.
First, let me assert that "Consistency" in a language is
critically important for a few reasons:
1. One way of doing things means one way to _remember_ things. It
keeps us sane, focused, and productive. The more we have to fight
the language, the harder it is to master.
2. Less things to remember means it's easier to learn. First
impressions are key for popularity.
3. Less discrepancies means fewer human errors, and thus, fewer
"stupid" bugs.
######### CAST/TRAITS ##########
To start, let's look at: cast(T) vs to!T(t)
In D, we have one way to use template function, and then we have
special keyword syntax which doesn't follow the same syntactical
rules. Here, cast looks like the 'scope()' or 'debug' statement,
which should be followed by a body of code, but it works like a
function which takes in the following argument and returns the
result. Setting aside the "func!()()" syntax for a moment, what
cast should look like in D is:
int i = cast!int(myLong);
It's a similar story with __traits(). What appears to be a
function taking in a run-time parameter is actually compile-time
parameter which works by "magic". It should look like:
bool b = traits!HasMember(Foo);
######### FUNCTIONS PARAMETERS ##########
All that brings me to my next argument, and that's that the
"func!()()" is inconsistent, or at the very least, hard to
understand (when it doesn't have to be). We have one way of
defining "optional" runtime parameters, and a different set of
rules entirely for compile-time parameters. Granted, these things
are very different to the compiler, to the programmer however,
they "appear" to just be things we're passing to a function.
I think Nimrod has a better (but not perfect) approach to this,
in that there are different "kinds" of functions. One that takes
in runtime params, and one that takes in compile-time ones; but
at the call site, you use them the same:
# Nimrod code
template foo(x:int) # compile time
when x == 0:
proc bar(x:int) # run time
if x == 0:
block main:
foo(0) # both have identical..
bar(0) # signatures.
In D, that looks like:
void foo(int x)() {
static if (x == 0) { doSomething(); }
else { doSomethingElse(); }
void bar(int x) {
if (x == 0) { doSomething(); }
else { doSomethingElse(); }
void main() {
bar(0); // completely difference signatures
Ultimately foo is just more optimized in the case where an 'int'
can be passed at compile time, but the way you use it in Nimrod
is much more consistent than in D. In fact, Nimrod code is very
clean because there's no special syntax oddities, and that makes
it easy to follow (at least on that level), especially for people
learning the language.
But I think there's a much better way. One of the things people
like about Dynamicly Typed languages is that you can hack things
together quickly. Given:
function load(filename) { ... }
the name of the parameter is all that's required when throwing
something together. You know what 'filename' is and how to use
it. The biggest problem (beyond efficiency), is later when you're
tightening things up you have to make sure that 'filename' is a
valid type, so we end up having to do the work manually where in
a Strong Typed language we can just define a type:
function load(filename)
if (filename != String) {
error("Must be string");
void load(string filename) { ... }
but, of course, sometimes we want to take in a generic parameter,
as D programmers are fully aware. In D, we have that option:
void load(T)(T file)
static if (is(T : string))
else if (is(T : File))
but it's wonky. Two parameter sets? Type deduction? These
concepts aren't the easiest to pick up, and I remember having
some amount of difficulty first learn what the "func!(...)(...)"
did in D.
So why not have one set of parameters and allow "typeless" ones
which are simply compile-time duck-typed?
void load(file)
static if (is(typeof(file) : string))
else if (is(typeof(file) : File))
this way, we have one set of rules for calling functions, and
deducing/defaulting parameters, with the same power. Plus, we get
the convenience of just hacking things together and going back
later to tighten things up. We can have similar (to existing)
rules for specialization and defaults:
void foo(int x) // runtime
void foo(x:int) // compiletime that must be 'int'
void foo(x=int) // compiletime, defaults to 'int'
void foo(x:int|string) // can be either int or string
void foo(x=int|string) // defaults to int; can be string
as well for deduction:
void foo(int x, T y, T) { ... }
void bar(int x, T y, T = float) { ... }
void baz(int x, T y, T : int|long) { ... }
void main()
foo(0, "bar"); // T is string
foo(0, 1.0); // T is double
foo(0, 1.0, float); // T is float
bar(0, 1.0); // T is float (?)
baz(0, 1.0); // error: needs int, or long
Revisiting the cast()/__traits() issue. Given our new function
call syntax, they would looks like:
cast(Type, value);
traits(CommandEnum, values...);
Now, I'm sure everyone is saying "What about Type template
parameters? How do we separate them from constructor parameters?"
Please keep reading.
######### CONSTRUCTORS ##########
We're all aware that overriding new/delete in D is a depreciated
feature. I agree with this, however I think we should go a step
further and remove the new/delete syntax all together... :D crazy
I know, but hear me out.
We replace it with special factory functions. Example:
class Person {
string name;
uint age;
this new(string n, uint a) {
name = n;
age = a;
void main() {
auto philip ="Philip", 24);
Notice 'new()' returns type 'this', which makes it static and
implicitly calls allocation methods (which could be overridden)
and has a 'this' reference.
This way, creating objects is consistent across struct/class and
is always done through a named function. So things like
converting can become arbitrarily consistent through a naming
for example, we could use 'from()' in replace of to()/cast():
auto i = int.from(inputString);
auto i = int.from(myLong);
and we don't have to fight for overloads, or have to remember
special factories (for things like FreeLists) when we usually
think to use the 'new T()' syntax:
// Naming clarifies intention
auto model =;
auto model = Model.load("/path/to/file");
Desctructors would be named as well, so we could force delete
struct Foo {
this new() { ... }
~this delete() { ... }
void somefunc() {
auto foo =;
scope(exit) foo.delete(); // forced
This would also keep consistent syntax when using
FreeLists/MemeoryPools, because everything is done through
factories in this case, and the implementation can be arbitrary:
class Foo {
private Foo _head, _next;
this new() @noalloc {
if (_head) {
Foo result = _head;
_head =;
return result;
else {
import core.memory;
return cast(Foo, GC.alloc(this.sizeof));
~this delete() {
More importantly, it's keeps Type template parameters from
conflicting with constructor params:
struct Foo(T) {
this new(T t) { ... }
alias Foo(float) Foof;
void main() {
auto foo = Foo(int).new(123);
auto foof =;
With these changes, the language is more consistent and there's
no special syntax characters or hard to understand rules (IMO).
Thanks for your time. Please let me know if you have any thoughts
or opinions on my ideas, it is after all, why I'm posting them. :)
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