Some lazy code to D

bearophile bearophileHUGS at
Wed Aug 29 16:15:20 PDT 2012

Peter Alexander:

> In general, it is not possible to have both full expressiveness 
> and full performance.

The ShedSkin compiler has shown me that in some important cases 
this is not true. But even if in this case you are right, I am OK 
with that, because I write both performance-critical D code, and 
D code where high performance is not needed. A feature usable 
only in the second kind of functions is acceptable to me :-)

> What I do know is that it is far too big a feature to be adding 
> at this stage in D2.

Now maybe it's not the right moment to add important features to 
D, for various reasons. But maybe 2-3 years from now the 
situation will be different.


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