Where are the template members?

Ali Çehreli acehreli at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 5 14:44:14 PST 2012

On 12/05/2012 12:39 AM, Gor Gyolchanyan wrote:
 > Consider this piece of code:
 > struct Test
 > {
 > template member(Type)
 > {
 > Type member;
 > }

That is just a template definition. It is not instantiated in this 
struct for any type.

 > }
 > unittest
 > {
 > Test test;

That is an object of an empty struct.

 > test.member!int = 0;
 > test.member!long = 0;
 > test.member!short = 0;

Those lines use a template that is defined inside the struct. They 
instantiate the template for three types. I don't know how the 'member' 
member of the template gets used in this context (it looks like the bug 
that Rene Zwanenburg mentions) but I know that it still has no effect on 
the Test type.

 > import std.stdio; writeln(test.sizeof);
 > assert(test.sizeof == int.sizeof + long.sizeof + short.sizeof); // fails
 > assert(test.sizeof == 1); // succeeds
 > }
 > I don't get why the structure's size remains unchanged even after
 > instantiating 3 members inside it.
 > How can I get the real size of the structure, including all its members
 > (template or not)?

It does not have any members. One way of injecting members would be to 
use template mixins or string mixins.


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