Next focus: PROCESS

Jesse Phillips Jessekphillips+D at
Sat Dec 15 18:03:33 PST 2012

On Saturday, 15 December 2012 at 20:39:22 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
> Can we drop the LTS name ? It reminds me of ubuntu, and I 
> clearly hope that people promoting that idea don't plan to 
> reproduce ubuntu's scheme :
>  - it is not suitable for a programming language (as stated 3 
> time now, so just read before why I won't repeat it).

You don't need to repeat your self, you need to expand on your 
points. Joseph has already requested that you give specifics of 
your objection, you have explained why the situation is different 
but not what needs to be different.

Your points were specific to Debian's model, which is not 

>  - ubuntu is notoriously unstable.

I don't know anyone who uses the LTS releases. That isn't to say 
no one is, but Ubuntu is doing a lot of experimenting in their 6 
month releases.

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