The impoliteness of overriding methods

foobar foo at
Thu Dec 20 11:19:58 PST 2012

On Thursday, 20 December 2012 at 10:15:47 UTC, Benjamin Thaut 
> Am 20.12.2012 10:44, schrieb sclytrack:
>> @mustcallbefore @mustcallafter
>> Would these be automatically called in all derived versions?
>> @autocallbefore  @autocallafter
> I think @mustcall would suffice, because it won't compile. If 
> it does not compile the customer will investigate what broke 
> and fix it (hopefully) appropriately. But of course the other 
> options would be nice too.

So basically you suggest adding a language feature to cover up 
library developer's poorly designed API? IMO, if you want to 
provide a frozen API under the current inheritance design, you 
should use pimpl design pattern in the first place and not ask 
for features to solve the problem after the fact.

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