dlang.org Library Reference
Sönke Ludwig
sludwig at outerproduct.org
Sun Dec 23 01:43:56 PST 2012
Am 23.12.2012 10:11, schrieb Rob T:
> On Sunday, 23 December 2012 at 07:38:04 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
>> What I did now was to hide the manually written "Source:" section (which is not in every module) and
>> instead generate a procedural "View source code" button on the top right of the page (which should
>> always be there).
>> So if you have any example where there still is a source section or no button, that would indeed be
>> a bug. But I'd hope that it was just an old cached version of the page.
> OK, I see it now. I was looking for the same old link as before. For whatever reason I just don't
> immediately notice the buttons way over to the upper right, and they appear grayed out which usually
> means they are disabled or inactive. Can you make it more noticeable somehow? A different color
> would help.
> Note that I'm talking about the finer details here, the format is already a really nice
> improvement, so big thanks for the effort!
> --rt
The border and the text are emphasized a bit more now + Opera now also renders a gradient.
I also disabled caching to avoid the necessity for endless page reloading.
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