dlang.org Library Reference

Sönke Ludwig sludwig at outerproduct.org
Tue Dec 25 06:47:19 PST 2012

Am 22.12.2012 00:46, schrieb Andrei Alexandrescu:
> * But by very, very far the community-contributed stuff is just perfect. I really really really hope
> we can get something like that integrated. There are many ways to approach this:
> - By integrating a wiki page via e.g. an IFRAME.
> - By integrating with github
> - Through a separate custom layer (a la forum.dlang.org)
> - Whatever it is, we'd need some crowdsourcing (voting system etc) such that good community notes go
> up and bad notes go down or get ultimately deleted.

I've integrated Disqus comments in the latest version.

e.g. http://vibed.org/temp/d-programming-language.org/phobos/std/algorithm/balancedParens.html

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