Inline D in Javascript

Kåre Andersson kare_andersson at
Tue Dec 25 11:24:36 PST 2012

Marco Nembrini Wrote:

> On Tuesday, 25 December 2012 at 07:28:18 UTC, KÃ¥re Andersson 
> wrote:
> > Firstly, I have always believed that for instance downloading 
> > someting, is an obstacle for someone who just wants to get a 
> > first grasp of a new programming language. They want to 
> > instantly and online do some tests and get a feeling before 
> > downloading something.
> >
> > Secondly, and maybe it is the primary goal, it can be a good 
> > development tool, especially for functions, with the capacity 
> > of immediate demonstrations. Even a more advanced programmer 
> > wants to know exacly what a function/tool does before investing 
> > further energy examining it.
> If you want to try out D code without downloading the compiler 
> there's

Thankyou. Saw there were several compilers to choose among also, compared with a site like, which is useful. 

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