nothrow in druntime win32 C bindings

Walter Bright newshound2 at
Thu Dec 27 10:02:31 PST 2012

On 12/27/2012 7:32 AM, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
> So then `nothrow` on the headers isn't enough since it only guarantees
> we're catching Exception types and letting Nothrow types through to
> Windows functions. It sounds to me like we need even stricter
> enforcement on the headers which the language doesn't provide right
> now (in hindsight maybe 'nothrow' should have been called 'noexcept').
> For example people have problems throwing on x64 in C++ inside a
> I wonder if D has the same problem if an Error or Throwable escapes a WNDPROC?


Is it an issue as you describe? Yes. Is it a big enough issue to merit a 
language change? I doubt it.

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