Learning Haskell makes you a better programmer?

deadalnix deadalnix at gmail.com
Fri Dec 28 01:53:08 PST 2012

On Friday, 28 December 2012 at 08:13:05 UTC, Red wrote:
> Why is immutable data considered necessary for functional 
> programming style? Can't a a programmer or programmer just do 
> the same thing with mutable data, but not mutate it? That is, 
> couldn't Python be used for functional programming?

It depends what you mean by functional. It seems to me that 
you'll find 2 major things that are usually understood as 
functionnal :
  - abstraction based on first class function. javascript is the 
perfect example here, and is functional.
  - purity and immutability.

If you have no tools to enforce immutability, you need to 
completely break abstraction to get the benefit. This is bug 
prone and will not scale (without abstraction nothing big is 

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