[xmlp] the recent garbage collector performance improvements

Jesse Phillips jessekphillips+D at gmail.com
Wed Feb 1 12:02:41 PST 2012

On Wednesday, 1 February 2012 at 18:33:58 UTC, Richard Webb wrote:
> Last night I tried loading a ~20 megabyte xml file using xmlp 
> (via the
> DocumentBuilder.LoadFile function) and a recent dmd build, and 
> found that it
> took ~48 seconds to complete, which is rather poor.
> I tried running it through a profiler, and that said that 
> almost all the
> runtime was spent inside the garbage collector.

Interesting, I've been using XmlVisitor on two 30meg and one 
10meg, load time for all files being 30secs, this is actually an 
improvement from an older version of xmlp which took 60secs. Not 
sure if DocumentBuilder would be much different.

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