[xmlp] the recent garbage collector performance improvements
Jonathan M Davis
jmdavisProg at gmx.com
Thu Feb 2 10:07:01 PST 2012
On Thursday, February 02, 2012 18:11:34 Jesse Phillips wrote:
> On Thursday, 2 February 2012 at 04:39:11 UTC, dsimcha wrote:
> > Wait a minute, since when do we even have a std.xml2? I've
> > never heard of it and it's not in the Phobos source tree (I
> > just checked).
> As others point out it is xmlp, I've been using it for the last
> year or two, and recently seen an improvement on performance (as
> mentioned). I don't know how comparable it is, and Richard seems
> to see a slow down from GC, for me disabling the GC during load
> doesn't change load time, but I'm not using the document loader.
> I hope Michael will put some effort into getting it ready for
> review. But still, people should use it and get him some
> incentive to do the work.
In theory, Tomek Sowiński was working on a replacement for std.xml which was
the likely replacement for std.xml, but he seems to have disappeared... His
last post was on an XML writer back in June. So, I don't know what the current
situation with that is.
- Jonathan M Davis
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