std.simd module

a a at
Mon Feb 6 10:08:22 PST 2012

>> used like this (a* are inputs and r* are outputs):
>> transpose(aX, aY, aZ, aW, rX, rY, rZ, rW);
> ... the problem is, without multiple return values (come on, D 
> should have
> multiple return values!), how do you return the result? :)
>> Maybe those functions could be used to implement the functions 
>> that take
>> and return structs.
> Yes... I've been pondering how to do this properly for ages 
> actually.
> That's the main reason I haven't fleshed out any matrix 
> functions yet; I'm
> still not at all sold on how to represent the matrices.
> Ideally, there should not be any memory access. But even if 
> they pass by
> ref/pointer, as soon as the function is inlined, the memory 
> access will
> disappear, and it'll effectively generate the same code...

I meant having functions that would return through reference 
parameters. The transpose function above would have signature 
transpose(float4, float4, float4, float4, ref float4, ref float4, 
ref float4, ref float4).

> Sure. I wasn't sure how useful they were in practise... I 
> didn't want to
> load it with countless silly permutation routines so I figured 
> I'll add
> them by request, or as they are proven useful in real world 
> apps.
> What would you typically do with the interleave functions at a 
> high level?
> Sure you don't just use it as a component behind a few actually 
> useful
> functions which should be exposed instead?

I think they would be useful when you work with arrays of structs 
with two elements such as complex numbers. For example to 
calculate a square of a complex array you could do:

for(size_t i=0; i < a.length; i += 2)
    float4 first = a[i];
    float4 second  = a[i + 1];
    float4 re = deinterleaveLow(first, second);
    float4 im = deinterleaveHigh(first, second);
    flaot4 re2 = re * re - im * im;
    float4 im2 = re * im
    im2 += im2;
    a[i] = interleaveLow(re2, im2);
    a[i + 1] = interleaveHigh(re2, im2);   }

Interleave and interleave can also be useful when you want to 
shuffle data in some custom way. You can't cover all possible 
permutations of elements over multiple vectors in a library 
(unless you do something like
A* search at compile time and generate code based on that - but 
that would probably be way to slow), but you can expose at least 
the capabilities that are common to most platforms, such as 
interleave and deinterleave.

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