Review of Jose Armando Garcia Sancio's std.log
Jose Armando Garcia
jsancio at
Mon Feb 13 17:58:38 PST 2012
On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 4:19 PM, Jonathan M Davis <jmdavisProg at> wrote:
> On Monday, February 13, 2012 17:49:49 David Nadlinger wrote:
>> You define the Severity enum members starting with fatal as 0. Why not
>> the other way round – so that severityA < severityB would do what you
>> (or at least I) would expect?
> syslog defines 0 (LOG_EMERG) as the strongest and 7 (LOG_DEBUG) as the weakest.
> The greater the number, the more logging output, you're going to see. So, he's
> following syslog in that respect, though he doesn't have as many log levels.
> He should probably add at least debug. He also aliases them to module-level
> symbols for some reason, which is a big no-no IMHO.
I am trying to minimize the number of predefined log levels. One of
the big problems I see with having too many log levels is that the
programmer never knows which one to use. I think std.log makes this
very clear:
1. Log at fatal if you want the application to assert
2. Log at critical if you want the thread to throw
3. Log at error if you detect a programming bug (invariant violation)
but you wish to continue and cross your finger
4. Log at warning if you detected peculiar condition yet the program
was coded to handle it.
5. Log at info if you want to document an action/state.
6. verbose log for trace/debugging specific parts of a program.
I think it would help me that instead of suggesting another level we
instead state what we think the user would like to do or log but the
framework as defined doesn't let the user do.
> - Jonathan M Davis
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