Mac OS X 10.5 support

Sönke Ludwig ludwig at
Tue Feb 14 02:41:43 PST 2012

Am 13.02.12 21:29, schrieb Walter Bright:
> On 2/13/2012 11:50 AM, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
>> So either the problem is just a build setup issue or it was something I
>> didn't test (I tested writefln() as in bug 4854). Is there a standard
>> way to build the DMD+druntime+phobos package so I can simulate the
>> original build process? Right now I just compiled each of those
>> separately using "make" without any further options.
> make posix.mak is the way.
>> Minor note: the version check in dmd/source/ to select the OS X
>> SDK does not work on 10.5 and it selects the 10.6 SDK.
> Please post a patch for that, and I'll merge it in.

Attached the patch (the pattern uses % instead of * and the 10.5/10.6 
arguments are reversed on line 40).

There is an easy way to install the 10.5 SDK on a 10.7 machine:

Maybe that would be a viable solution to keep 10.5 support - of course 
assuming that it's really just the SDK.
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