Language idea - simple thread spawning

Jonathan Stephens slashrslashn at
Fri Feb 17 17:33:03 PST 2012

> Have you looked at []

Yes, I read the first three pages then looked up the Thread API before
I realizing what it wanted to teach me. (Probably this has taught me
something. I'm not sure what it is.)

You all make great points, and I apologize for being ignorant of how
close we already were.

That said, I still yearn for the day when the "normal" programming
languages treat multiprocessing as a core language concept and not
just a (standard) library you pass closures/delegates/interfaces to.

> foo {
>    // this is the delegate passed to "foo"
> }
> Then it would be possible to implement "runthread" as a function taking a delegate.

If working with Lua has taught me anything, it's that languages with
optionally omitted parenthesis are annoying. ;-)

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