The Right Approach to Exceptions
Juan Manuel Cabo
juanmanuel.cabo at
Sun Feb 19 07:47:11 PST 2012
Well, since keys would be string, you can define them at the base
So, FileException can define a few detail names that you know are
used in its derived classes. And so, Exception can define detail
names that are standard for all classes.
So it would look like:
class FileException {
static immutable details_filename = "filename";
static immutable details_ispipe = "ispipe";
class Exception {
static immutable details_transient = "transient";
static immutable details_i18n_name = "i18n_name";
So, you *know* that a portion of the tree supports certain
details in the associative array, when you type the dot after the
exception class name in an IDE with autocomplete, (or ctrl-N in
Vim with the definition open ;-) ).
And you can document with ddoc those static variables. So the
example would be now:
For instance:
catch (Exception ex) {
if (Exception.details_i18n_name in ex.details) {
if (FileException.details_filename in ex.details) {
log("This file is trouble: "
~ ex.details[FileException.details_filename]);
if (Exception.details_transient in ex.details) {
On Sunday, 19 February 2012 at 14:54:29 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
> On 2012-02-19 13:27, Juan Manuel Cabo wrote:
>> How about adding a string[string] or a variant[string] to the
>> Exception
>> class, so one can know details about the subclassed exception
>> without
>> downcasting? How ugly would that be?
>> For instance:
>> ...
>> catch (Exception ex) {
>> if ("transient" in ex.details) {
>> repeatOneMoreTime();
>> }
>> if ("i18n_code" in ex.details) {
>> log(translate(ex.details["i18n_code"]));
>> }
>> }
>> ...
>> Details can be standard by convention or otherwise custom.
>> (I can see that this can lead to messy proliferation of
>> details, but at
>> least solves most of the issues).
> How would you know which keys are available in "ex.details",
> documentation?
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