The Right Approach to Exceptions

Pavel Vozenilek pavel_vozenilek at
Sun Feb 19 12:17:24 PST 2012

On Sun, 19 Feb 2012 03:04:35 +0100, Alf P. Steinbach  
<alf.p.steinbach+usenet at> wrote:

> However, C++ exceptions do have many problems, including:
>    * Until C++11, no support for propagating exceptions through
>      non-exception-aware code (in particular, from C callbacks).
>    * No support for wchar_t exception text, i.e. *nix-specific.
>    * A nonsensical exception class hierarchy with e.g.
>      std::logic_error and std::bad_exception.
>    * No differentiation between recoverable (soft, failure) and
>      unrecoverable (hard, error) exceptions, although some people have
>      argued that in the latter case one is screwed anyway.
>    * Involving std::string arguments, so that in low memory
>      conditions throwing an exception can itself throw.

Two even worse problems:

a) you see


and have no idea whether and what it may throw. No, the documentation is  
never so detailed and I woudn't trust it anyway.

b) you see

try {
} catch (some_exc& e) {

and have no easy way to check whether the 'some_exc' can be really thrown  
 from inside foo(). Maybe not and they forgot to remove the catch.

c) you see

try {
} catch (some_exc& e) {

and there's no easy way to spot that the 'some_exc' is already fully  
handled inside and thus is useless here.

The Java way is overkill but complete ignorance by the compiler isn't good  


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