D autocomplete

H. S. Teoh hsteoh at quickfur.ath.cx
Mon Feb 20 08:01:07 PST 2012

On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 07:16:40PM +0400, Gor Gyolchanyan wrote:
> This is, of course a very good thing to have, but there's a more
> general and far more powerful approach to ease of integration of D
> with existing editing tools and IDEs. I'm talking about a small and
> clean D front-end, which can be programmatically queried for defined
> types, classes, variables and any sort of entities in the source code.
> This would then be very easy to use for such things as VIM
> auto-completion.

I've suggested before, and would suggest it again, that it would be nice
if dmd had an option, or came with another standalone tool, that can
display the fully-expanded type of something, as the compiler would have
understood it. For example:

	$ dmd -query my.package.classA.member1
	@property pure const int member1(in float param);
	Defined in: my/package/classA.d (line 245)

	$ dmd -query-ancestors my.package.classA
	Defined in: my/package/classA.d (line 210)

	Defined in: my/package/superclass.d (line 132)

	Defined in: my/package/baseclass.d (line 20)

	Defined in: /usr/include/d2/4.6/core/Object.di (line 241)

	$ dmd -query my.package.module.alias1
	alias immutable(int)[] alias1;
	Defined in: my/package/module.d (line 19)

and so on.


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