The Right Approach to Exceptions
Juan Manuel Cabo
juanmanuel.cabo at
Mon Feb 20 11:54:38 PST 2012
About this part:
>> What you want is throw a COMException and link it to the original
>> Exception. You have to consider Exception as a linkedlist, one
>> being the cause of another.
The Variant[string] is an idea to help avoid people creating new kinds
of exception types that don't add nothing.
I guess that you are proving my point.
On 02/20/2012 04:48 PM, Juan Manuel Cabo wrote:
>> That wouldn't work, because you'll erase the stacktrace.
>> Plus, you are confusing inheritance with composition here. What you want is throw a COMException and link it to the
>> original Exception. You have to consider Exception as a linkedlist, one being the cause of another.
> You are correct. But it doesn't change the FILE and LINE attributes of the exception.
> The code below changes the msg of the exception and rethrows it.
> Please note that the stacktrace is changed as you say. But the:
> object.Exception at t.d(17): another
> points to the site where it was produced originally:
> #!/usr/bin/rdmd
> import std.stdio;
> void main () {
> anotherFunc();
> }
> void anotherFunc() {
> try {
> writeln("another func");
> badfunc();
> } catch (Exception ex) {
> ex.msg = "another";
> throw ex;
> }
> }
> void badfunc() {
> writeln("bad func");
> throw new Exception("badfunc");
> }
> another func
> bad func
> object.Exception at t.d(17): another
> ----------------
> ./t(void t.anotherFunc()+0x2b) [0x42a1c7]
> ./t(_Dmain+0x9) [0x42a195]
> ./t(extern (C) int rt.dmain2.main(int, char**).void runMain()+0x17) [0x43c003]
> ./t(extern (C) int rt.dmain2.main(int, char**).void tryExec(scope void delegate())+0x2a) [0x43b97a]
> ./t(extern (C) int rt.dmain2.main(int, char**).void runAll()+0x42) [0x43c056]
> ./t(extern (C) int rt.dmain2.main(int, char**).void tryExec(scope void delegate())+0x2a) [0x43b97a]
> ./t(main+0xd3) [0x43b90b]
> /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fc83b628eff]
> ----------------
> On 02/20/2012 04:44 PM, deadalnix wrote:
>> Le 20/02/2012 20:32, Juan Manuel Cabo a écrit :
>>> So, if your boss wants the URL of the request that was made
>>> when the standard library threw you a FileNotFoundException,
>>> you can do:
>>> try {
>>> ...
>>> } catch (Exception ex) {
>>> //Rethrow the exception with the added detail:
>>> ex.details["custom_url"] = getenv("URI");
>>> throw ex;
>>> }
>>> (don't beat me if URI wasn't the envvar that apache sends for uri, I
>>> don't remember it at the moment).
>>> --jm
>>> On 02/20/2012 04:27 PM, Juan Manuel Cabo wrote:
>>>>> And so variant is the way to go ?
>>>>> Clearly, this is a very strong arguement in favor of typed Exception, that provide usefull information about what went
>>>>> wrong. This is a safe approach.
>>>>> Because this Variant stuff is going to require massive ducktyping of Exceptions, with all possible errors involved. The
>>>>> keys in the Variant[string] will depend on the Exception the dev is facing. This should be avoided and should warn us
>>>>> about the requirement of typed Exceptions.
>>>> Some of the things that characterize an exception, their traits, are
>>>> transversal to any hierachy that you can imagine, now and in the future.
>>>> You can choose to keep changing a hierarchy, or build in some mechanism
>>>> to the Exception base class, that will allow you to get your traits
>>>> without downcasting.
>>>> Say that at your place of work the boss decides that all exception classes
>>>> should have a COM error code, or that all exception classes should
>>>> provide the URL of the request that generated it.
>>>> You know what will happen?
>>>> Your boss will require you to derive all your exception classes from
>>>> COMException or from WebRequestException and then redefine FileNotFound
>>>> as a subclass of them. So you will have your FileNotFoundException
>>>> different than the standard library exception.
>>>> Don't believe me? It happened to .NET... they've got a COMException
>>>> that wraps any other kind of error during a COM call.
>>>> --jm
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