The Right Approach to Exceptions

H. S. Teoh hsteoh at
Tue Feb 21 14:29:32 PST 2012

On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 03:15:19PM -0600, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> A more debatable aspect of exceptions is the first-match rule in
> catch blocks. All of OOP goes with best match, except here. But then
> all code is together so the effect is small.

Does it make sense to make it best-match? Or is that too risky since
everyone expects it to be first-match?

> >So I'm going to throw (har har) this very crazy and wild idea out
> >there and let's see if it's viable:
> >
> >What if instead of catching by class, we catch by attribute matching?
> >So instead of writing:
> >
> >	try { ... }
> >	catch(SomeExceptionType e) { ... }
> >	catch(SomeOtherExceptionType e) { ... }
> >	catch(YetAnotherSillyException e) { ... }
> >
> >we write:
> >
> >	try { ... }
> >	catch(e: exists!e.filename&&  e.failedOp is {
> >		// something
> >	}
> >	catch(e: e.is_transient&&  e.num_retries<  5) {
> >		// something else
> >	}
> >	// And why should we even need an exception object in the first
> >	// place?
> >	catch(time()>= oldtime+5000) {
> >		// This thing's been running for way too long, time to
> >		// do something drastic
> >	}
> >
> >Flamesuit on! ;-)
> The only problem I see here is ascribing e a type.

True, for this to work in its full generality would require duck-typing
(the catch block can use any property it tests for, regardless of type).
Which D doesn't have.

So it looks like we're back to catch conditions, that has come up a few
times in this thread:

	try { ... }
	catch(Exception e: e.is_transient && ... || ...) {
		// or whatever the latest proposed syntax is, the idea
		// is the same.
	catch(Exception e: !e.is_transient && ...) {
		// the previous block doesn't catch if conditions fail,
		// so we can still get Exception here.

This does start to look like it might make sense to switch to best-match
instead of first-match for catch clauses.


Your inconsistency is the only consistent thing about you! -- KD

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