how to resolve "object-relational impedance mismatch" using D

Gour gour at
Wed Feb 22 12:31:35 PST 2012

On Wed, 22 Feb 2012 19:46:59 +0100
"Kagamin" <spam at here.lot> wrote:

> Application spec is one thing, ORM spec is another.

Sure. Considering that there are no ORM for D, afaik, I'm interested
what would be wise to do in D, in a genaral case when one has relational
data model:

a) usee OOP in D and try to write/use some ORM to solve impedance problem

b) use relational model and (probably) just write procedural code

c) attempt to write more FP code which might be better marriage between
relational model and the code or

d) something else?

If you believe that the answer is too dependant on the application spec,
I might provide it, but wanted to spare the audience from many possibly
not relevant details.


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