dmd -c behaviour doesn't take account of packages.

Jacob Carlborg doob at
Thu Feb 23 04:42:44 PST 2012

On 2012-02-23 00:03, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> On Wednesday, February 22, 2012 23:50:53 Bernard Helyer wrote:
>> Except DMD is faster by a factor of 10 when passing it all at
>> once.
> Then maybe there _should_ be a flag to tell it to use/generate the appropriate
> directory structure. You already typically give it an output directory. It
> wouldn't be all that hard for it to then generate and use the correct
> directories in that directory. That still bugs me a little, because that's
> more of a build tool's job, but it wouldn't be hard to do, would fix the file
> conflicts across modules, and would let you keep that extra speed.
> - Jonathan M Davis

I don't see a point in putting the object files in different directories 
when the compiler can output the object files with fully qualified 
module names.

/Jacob Carlborg

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