John Carmack applauds D's pure attribute

so so at
Sat Feb 25 12:50:52 PST 2012

On Saturday, 25 February 2012 at 20:26:11 UTC, Peter Alexander 

> Memory management is not a problem. You can manage memory just 
> as easily in D as you can in C or C++. Just don't use global 
> new, which they'll already be doing.

C++ standard library is not based around a GC.
D promises both MM possibilities yet its standard library as of 
now based around GC.

You are talking about design. When it comes to implementation, 
last time i checked, not using standard memory manager also means 
not using standard library.

A big codebase on another language is a problem shared by most of 
us and that is by far the most significant. Yet i thought we were 
talking about "why not switch to D" rather than "why not switch 
to another language".

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