Database developer's gentle view on D.

Steve Teale steve.teale at
Sun Jan 1 07:02:33 PST 2012

On Sat, 31 Dec 2011 20:28:43 -0800, bls wrote:

>     Not yet available. In case that Steve Teale (and he did a dammed
> good Job, as well as Piotr) will add std.database this will not change
> the situation significantly. 'Cause std.database will contain just
> rudimentary DB support..  A Database independent, ORM based library
> module is not even matter of discussion. That's a  pity.

Even being retired does not mean there's nothing else to do but D library 
components. I didn't get back to you yet because I'm busy making 
furniture for our expanding little enterprise here, and because of the 
holidays, and because I need to lose a few kilos off the belly that 
magically appeared while I was doing nothing but sit in front of a 

Also I'd say for rudimentary I'd want to say basic. There's a slight 

I'll be back.


But don't put the database stuff

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