ACCU and D

Robert Clipsham robert at
Tue Jan 3 04:55:39 PST 2012

On 03/01/2012 10:46, Russel Winder wrote:
> My proposal for a talk at ACCU 2012 showing that D and Go prove that the
> C++11 standard may well be the eulogy for C++ has been accepted.
>, D, C++ and the Multicore revolution.
> If you are in Oxford 2012-04-24 to 2012-04-28 feel free to come to the
> conference.  This year there is much more of a C++ and Java feel to it,
> probably due to C++11 and Java 7.  More hecklers required :-)

I'd love to go (I may even be free to go too), it's so expensive though D;


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