DMD - Windows
Nick Sabalausky
a at a.a
Sat Jan 7 12:22:56 PST 2012
"Manu" <turkeyman at> wrote in message
news:mailman.164.1325940038.16222.digitalmars-d at
> What would you propose I try to convince me that VS is shit and
> unproductive?
You're twisting my words around. That's not what I said.
> If you're going to talk about bloated heavy-weight IDE's, have you every
> tried using Eclipse? What a joke! How is it that so many years of OSS dev
> and Google backing it can produce such a bloated, crap, slow,
> inconsistent,
> unfocused/unintegrated tool?!
Honestly, I always found all of the VS.NETs after 2003 to be just as bloated
as Eclipse. Although given a choice, I admit I'd still use it over Eclipse
since I find Eclipse painfully Java-centric when using it for non-JVM
> How about XCode? I don't understand how anyone gets any work done with
> XCode, it is just soooo crap.
I had some brief experience with...shoot, I forget what it was called, but
it was the immediate predecessor to XCode, the one in 10.2. I think it was
something generic-sounding like "Project Builder" or something. It got the
job done, but yea, I was never a fan of it.
> Overrated? I don't think calling industry standards overrated is a
> reasonable claim. they're industry standards because everyone uses them...
> and everyone uses them because they are industry standards.
> I've used C/C++ professionally my whole career with some C# taking over
> for
> tools recently. I hate C++! (that's why I'm here!).. I don't hype it up
> like it's awesome, but I use it because it's industry standard, there is
> no
> viable alternative, and even if there were, it would NEED integration with
> all my tools before I could use it professionally in a full production
> environment.
> agree that it's widespread...and you hate it...Ok, I give up:
Exactly how is that *not* "overrated"?
> If by 'better' languages, you mean D, then I completely disagree. D
> an IDE, just like all the rest... and in my opinion, even more so... here
> are some reasons I find it so annoying there isn't a quality VS
> integration
> for D (yet):
> ** auto is used liberally in D... I should be able to hover over any
> variable and have a tool tip inform me what it actually is (this makes it
> more important that D has an IDE than even C/C++)
> ** I don't have years of experience with the libraries, I SHOULD be able
> to press '.' and have a list of everything the library can do appear
> instantly without wasting my time trawling through the docs.
> * I shouldn't have to guess or try and remember the name of some member
> or method... I should be able to type the first 1-2 letters, and have the
> rest of the word will appear instantly.
> * If I don't know what a type is, or want to know about it in more
> detail, I should be able to press F1 and see documentation about the
> class/function/whatever instantly.
> * I'm new to the syntax, and it's terribly nice when a little red
> underline appears beneath a syntax error I've just created.
> * As projects grow, things like auto-refactor save sooo much time.
> Extremely difficult to implement reliably for C/C++, but should work
> perfectly in D...
I like all those features too. But I've learned that I like responsive
editors and great langauges even *more*. Like I said, if you're familiar
with both sides and still prefer big IDE's, fine. That's just personal
taste, I've got no problems with that. But I tend to get the impression that
there are a lot of "professionals" out there who would completely and
immediately shun a language based *purely* on a lack of full integration
with VS. Actually, I think you're one of the people who have pretty much
told me exactly that, that there are many such professionals who would do
> C# for instance, is becoming very popular. The reason for this is that
> it's
> just sooooo fucking productive, and that's not thanks to the language its
> self... any C# user will agree that at least 50% of C#'s special power is
> actually it's VS integration.
> The first time I used C# (knowing absolutely nothing about the language),
> I
> opened VS, and started typing... thanks to the integration, the language
> was self-documenting and self-evident. I felt immediately productive in a
> language I hadn't even read a word about, and after a little more
> experience, I love its efficiency for writing the kind of code it's great
> at, and I always feel amazingly productive. The experience is not limited,
> or even thanks to the language, it's the whole package.
There was a time when I considered D and C# to be tied as my favorite
languages (And yes, I was using VS.NET for all my C# work). Eventually, I
became more and more frustrated by trying to work around C#'s limitations
(Try making a basic, let alone realistically useful, set of generic
functional tools! Without at least an IArithmetic, it's not realistically
possible. Or do a simple reinterpret cast without diving into dark corners
of the API.) It wasn't long before using C# felt like a full-time exercise
in fighting the damn compiler. But at the same time, D just kept feeling
more and more natural - even without a fancy IDE.
So, based on personal experience, I tend to call "bullshit" on the idea that
C#/VS.NET is highly productive for anything except GUI apps that only need
the very basic UI controls and don't do a lot under the hood. And ok, maybe
it's highly productive compared to C++, but that sure as hell isn't saying
Honest to god, I'm *more* productive with D and Programmer's Notepad 2 than
I ever was with C#/VS.NET. And much happier too (at least when I'm actually
coding, anyway ;)) But I never would have discovered that if I had been an
IDE-snob. Obviously you're not one, as you pointed out you've at least tried
things the other way, too. But from what you describe, it appears that a lot
of people in the industry *are* staunch IDE-snobs.
> That said, If D doesn't have an IDE, or more specifically, VS integration,
> it's off the table. Period. In a multi-user project, where all users
> expect
> VS integration, I can't do without it.
> If it can manage to make a splash with newcomers like C# does, people will
> be really impressed, and they'll keep coming back.
FWIW, I have always agreed that it's good for D to have good IDE integration
because, like you've been saying, there are people who prefer it. And heck,
once in a while I find it useful too, so I fire it up...wait a
what I need to do...slowly..., and then go back to my usual setup.
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