Intrusive Makefile for

Peter Alexander at
Sun Jan 15 05:09:26 PST 2012

I'm not particularly well versed in Makefile ethics, but this caught me 
by surprise.

Suppose I clone into my home directory (as I 
did), do some work, then later on run make clean.

git clone https://.../
... do stuff ...
make -fposix.mak clean

Here's what clean does:

rm -rf ../web ../dmd.2.056 2.056.ddoc
rm -rf ../druntime.2.056 ../phobos.2.056

If I had a web dir in my home directory (not exactly uncommon), it would 
have been deleted without warning. Luckily, I didn't. I now have it 
cloned into a separate dir where it can do no harm.

Is it normal for Makefiles to be so intrusive? IMO, Makefiles shouldn't 
be deleting anything outside their own directory.

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