[your code here]
bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
Sun Jan 15 07:15:55 PST 2012
Jos van Uden:
> still learning this stuff, feel free to correct or improve
Next time I suggest you to use D.learn.
This is a first draft with some changes:
import std.traits, std.string, std.ascii, std.conv, std.range;
// is partial application better here?
dstring rot13(C)(immutable(C[]) s) pure /*nothrow*/
if (isSomeChar!C) {
return rot(s, 13);
// or maybe just use in int key=13 as default argument
// is it right to use a signed int for key?
dstring rot(C)(immutable(C[]) s, in int key) pure /*nothrow*/
if (isSomeChar!C)
in {
// preconditions here...
// only ASCII input chars?
// Are std.ascii.isUpper / isLower working with UTF?
} out(result) {
// don't use .length here unless the input is verified to contain
// no past ASCII chars
assert(walkLength(s) == walkLength(result));
} body {
auto result = new dchar[s.length];
foreach (i, dchar c; s) { // not nothrow
// reassigning c here is not nice
if (isLower(c))
result[i] = ((c - 'a' + key) % 26 + 'a');
else if (isUpper(c))
result[i] = ((c - 'A' + key) % 26 + 'A');
return result; // implicit cast, but only dstring output.
// Otherwise allocate a result with alloca() and copy
// it at the end with to!S(result)
} unittest {
// unit tests here...
void main() {
import std.stdio;
Your little program also shows some of the current D2 problems. You need care to catch a function signature like that that allows implicit cast of the result of the pure function.
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