turkeyman at
Mon Jan 16 06:27:03 PST 2012
On 16 January 2012 15:30, Don Clugston <dac at> wrote:
> On 16/01/12 01:08, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
>> On Monday, January 16, 2012 01:44:56 Manu wrote:
>>> Surely basic logical expressions within a version seem not only logical,
>>> but also very necessary?
>>> There must be a reason this is impossible, or else I can't believe it's
>>> not
>>> already like that...
>> People have requested it. Walter is against it. I don't remember his exact
>> arguments, but he believes that it leads to worse code if you allow it.
>> As for
>> version(linux || OSX)
>> you can use
>> version(Posix)
>> It'll include FreeBSD as well, but then again, if something is common to
>> both
>> linux and OSX, then it's almost certainly in FreeBSD as well.
>> - Jonathan M Davis
> I think both approaches are wrong. I think the idea approach is to treat
> versions as booleans, and have a one-definition rule.
> version VersionIdentifier = VersionExpression;
> extern version VersionIdentifier;
> // means this version is set from command line, or is a compiler built-in
> VersionExpression:
> VersionExpression && VersionExpression
> VersionExpression || VersionExpression
> !VersionExpression
> ( VersionExpression )
> VersionIdentifier
> true
> false
> version(A)
> {
> version = AorNotB;
> }
> version(B)
> {
> }
> else {
> version = AorNotB;
> }
> becomes:
> version AorNotB = A || !B;
> Make it illegal to reference a version identifier which hasn't been
> declared. Disallow version declarations inside version blocks, and all the
> spaghetti is gone.
Will that work? I don't think it's reasonable to expect all versions to be
declared in all cases/platforms. There are SSE version identifiers for
instance, why would they be defined on a PPC platform? Likewise any
platform specific features...
Otherwise I generally agree. Though again, too much water under the bridge
to change this decision in the language.
The only realistic thing I can see that could be done without breaking
anything is to allow basic logical expressions of version keys which would
otherwise still follow the existing idiom.
Alternatively, allow static-if to access the version list/map. If the
version list was known to static-if, it could take care of the same job,
though it would probably be considerably more ugly.
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