[OT] "The Condescending UI" (was: Do we need Win95/98/Me support?)

Marco Leise Marco.Leise at gmx.de
Tue Jan 24 05:00:13 PST 2012

Am 24.01.2012, 13:26 Uhr, schrieb foobar <foo at bar.com>:

> On Tuesday, 24 January 2012 at 07:09:47 UTC, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
>> "foobar" <foo at bar.com> wrote in message  
>> news:gaeafbliswzwkmitpghj at dfeed.kimsufi.thecybershadow.net...
>>> IP can't be evil, it's the basic protocol of the internet ;)
>>> seriously though, the term IP is highly misleading and doesn't have a  
>>> hold in (legal) reality. It's a collection of unrelated laws with  
>>> separate agendas and purposes: copyright, patent, trademarks. Each  
>>> individual law *supposed to* make sense, but at a whole they really  
>>> don't. Yes, it is perfectly legitimate for an  
>>> author/artist/musician/font creator/etc to want to be paid and they  
>>> really should be. it is not hover at all legitimate that a book  
>>> publisher/record company/etc be paid if that business model isn't  
>>> justified anymore in the market place. Forcing those on the market  
>>> when they aren't necessary is the true meaning of evil. I also  
>>> disagree that it's the companies' fault. They simply want to make  
>>> money. That their purpose. The government is the responsible party to  
>>> set the rules for corporations and not vice versa and the US  
>>> government is completely at fault for this huge mess. It's like  
>>> children setting the rule for their parents.
>> I'm not entirely convinced that the US gov isn't effectively a  
>> corporate puppet.
> If it is it just proves my point and stuff needs to be done to change  
> the current circumstances. AFAIK the current situation is against the  
> spirit if not the letter of the US constitution which forbids any group  
> from oppressing another (in this case Corporate America vs. the little  
> guy).
> There is this phenomena in the US where some people feel that they have  
> the right to be ignorant but they ought to realize that this isn't a  
> core human right and it slowly degrades society in such a way that they  
> lose all other rights and freedoms. People should educate themselves and  
> be responsible for their votes and actually do vote. In my country  
> (Israel) an elections with ~67% of people voting was the lowest  
> percentage ever and usually it's closer to 80%. in the USA it's closer  
> to 50%. That isn't even a majority of the population!
> The current situation is directly connected to the ignorance and lack of  
> caring by the people. After all, a democratic government comes from the  
> people and represents the people. Clearly, the citizens of the USA  
> didn't care enough.

You compare a country with two parties with a country with over one  
hundred parties, this can become a long philosophical debate. :D
I'm voting for Moria. It reminds me of Lord of the Rings.

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