[your code here]
Andrei Alexandrescu
SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org
Sat Jan 28 07:07:36 PST 2012
On 1/28/12 8:21 AM, Jos van Uden wrote:
> On 28-1-2012 14:57, Mantis wrote:
>> 28.01.2012 15:31, Jos van Uden пишет:
>>> import std.stdio, std.stream, std.string, std.range;
>>> void main() {
>>> int countPalindromes;
>>> auto infile = new BufferedFile("unixdict.txt");
>>> foreach (char[] line; infile) {
>>> if (line.walkLength > 1) {
>>> line.toLowerInPlace;
>>> if (line == line.dup.reverse)
>>> countPalindromes++;
>>> }
>>> }
>>> writeln("palindromes found: ", countPalindromes);
>>> }
>> The same may be done without memory duplication by changing comparison
>> to this (equal function is in std.algorithm):
>> if (equal(line, retro(line)))
>> Hard to say without profiling if it will have actual impact on
>> performance, but at least it should be more GC-friendly.
> Good idea.
> It's also faster. I tried with a larger file (ukacd17.txt) which
> has 240,000 entries.
> ---
> import std.stdio, std.stream, std.string, std.range, std.algorithm;
> void main() {
> int countPalindromes;
> auto infile = new BufferedFile("unixdict.txt");
> foreach (char[] line; infile) {
> if (line.walkLength > 1) {
> line.toLowerInPlace;
> if (equal(line, retro(line)))
> countPalindromes++;
> }
> }
> writeln("palindromes found: ", countPalindromes);
> }
Could you please also compare with code that uses foreach with
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