Does a mongodb binding exists?

Andrea Fontana nospam at
Mon Jul 9 00:37:37 PDT 2012

On Monday, 9 July 2012 at 07:30:40 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
> Am 09.07.2012 09:23, schrieb Andrea Fontana:
>> On Sunday, 8 July 2012 at 08:59:51 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
>>> Am 08.07.2012 10:16, schrieb Andrea Fontana:
>>>> I wonder if you read my original message :)
>>>> I can't extract mongodb from the whole framework.
>>>> On Friday, 6 July 2012 at 23:40:21 UTC, Adam Wilson wrote:
>>>>> On Fri, 06 Jul 2012 05:31:09 -0700, Andrea Fontana
>>>>> <nospam at> wrote:
>>>>>> I see there's a c-mongo library binding called 
>>>>>> mongo-d-library on
>>>>>> github, but it's very c-style and complex to use.
>>>>>> I've seen a quite better binding in vibe.d but it seems 
>>>>>> very
>>>>>> difficult to extract it from vibe.d
>>>>>> Any suggestion?
>>>>> Have you looked into Vibe.d? They have a MongoDB binding.
>>> Just read this here... have you had any success using vibe.d 
>>> as a
>>> library yet?
>>> If not, it would be good if you let me know your build 
>>> environment. I
>>> would like to prepare some alternative project files/make
>>> files/whatever to make this a bit easier.
>> I'm working on Linux with dmd 2.059 and vibe.d from gcode 
>> repository.
>> I've tried to use vibe.d as library, but I can't. I've also 
>> tried to
>> build my hello world with rdmd that should resolve 
>> dependencies by
>> itself, but it always gives me linking errors. (i've linked 
>> libevent,
>> libssl & more but it still doesn't work, it has problem with 
>> "internal"
>> symbols like base64* and others)
> I see, the base64 errors are because the file is currently a 
> stub and should not be compiled. That's something that I want 
> to get rid of in the near future. Like base64, some other files 
> should also be excluded from the build. Quoting the list of 
> files from 
> > deimos/ev.d
> > core/drivers/ev.d
> > core/drivers/win32.d
> > core/drivers/winrt.d
> > stream/base64.d
> If nothing gets in the way, I'll fix up those files today.

I've seen that discussion but:

andrea at ububox:~$ ls core/drivers/
libev.d  libevent2.d  libevent2_tcp.d  threadedfile.d

Removing only the first and the last one didn't work for me.

We need a tutorial :)

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