Rust updates

Marco Leise Marco.Leise at
Thu Jul 12 09:44:37 PDT 2012

Am Thu, 12 Jul 2012 12:08:07 +0200
schrieb Marco Leise <Marco.Leise at>:

> Am Thu, 12 Jul 2012 11:42:13 +0200
> schrieb Marco Leise <Marco.Leise at>:
> > Am Wed, 11 Jul 2012 22:58:07 +0200
> > schrieb "bearophile" <bearophileHUGS at>:
> > 
> > > > => a = 5s;
> > > 
> > > I read that as "5 seconds" :-(
> > 
> > Me too, but then again "5l" could be read as 5 liters. I guess that is why the move is towards uppercase suffixes. 5S and 5L are not likely misread.
> > 
> > > I don't think your examples justify the increased language 
> > > complexity.
> > > 
> > > Bye,
> > > bearophile
> > 
> > I understand that some of the examples have better alternatives. What I don't understand is why you term this as increased language complexity. This is not one of the "why not add" kind of requests. From my point of view the complexity is already there through U, UL, I and UI. So completing the set with B, UB, S and US seems only logical and solves an existing (attention: buzzword ahead) ... *inconsistency*. ;)
> > 
> > To cut a long story short; if I added those suffixes and made a pull request would anyone be objected?
> P.S.: There is no I or UI, just L and UL. Sorry for the confusion.

I experimented a bit with it and the modifications to DMD are mostly straight forward copy,paste,modify. But then I face palmed: 'b' is of course a valid digit in hex notation already, meaning it would always be counted as part of the hex number, and not as a suffix. That would be a bit ... inconvenient. :D


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