nested class inheritance

Jonathan M Davis jmdavisProg at
Sat Jul 14 03:35:56 PDT 2012

On Saturday, July 14, 2012 14:21:01 Gor Gyolchanyan wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 14, 2012 at 2:04 PM, Jonathan M Davis 
<jmdavisProg at>wrote:
> > On Saturday, July 14, 2012 14:00:14 Gor Gyolchanyan wrote:
> > > That's great. That means, I don't have to work around it and I can just
> > > wait a bit until DMD 2.060 comes out. Btw, when will it happen?
> > 
> > No idea. Normally, releases have been happening every 2 months or so, but
> > we're at just passed 3 months since the last one now. It pretty much
> > depends
> > on when Walter decides to do a beta. He made noise about that over a month
> > ago
> > but didn't end up doing it (I think that he went on vacation shortly after
> > that), and he hasn't said anything about it since. We should probably do
> > one
> > soon though.
> > 
> > - Jonathan M Davis
> I see. Is it possible to get the change log for the upcoming release? That
> would also show us what we shouldn't work around.

Yes and no. If you look in each repository, there's a partial changelog for 
each (changelog.dd), but odds are that they're missing a number of items, and 
actually, for some reason, dmd's hasn't been updated in a year, so I have no 
clue how Walter puts together dmd's portion of the changelog.

Andrei recently brought up the idea of automatically generating the bug fix 
list for the changelog with a query to bugzilla, which would make sure that 
everything made it into the changelog (right now, it depends on the devs 
making sure that they manually add it all, and stuff gets missed). I believe 
that this query will list every bug that has been fixed since 2.059:

which as you can see is far from being short.

- Jonathan M Davis

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