nested class inheritance
Benjamin Thaut
code at
Sun Jul 15 04:35:02 PDT 2012
Am 15.07.2012 13:24, schrieb Gor Gyolchanyan:
> On Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 1:41 PM, Benjamin Thaut <code at
> <mailto:code at>> wrote:
> Am 15.07.2012 02:02, schrieb Timon Gehr:
> On 07/15/2012 12:55 AM, Benjamin Thaut wrote:
> Am 14.07.2012 19:30, schrieb Gor Gyolchanyan:
> On Sat, Jul 14, 2012 at 9:23 PM, Benjamin Thaut
> <code at <mailto:code at>
> <mailto:code at
> <mailto:code at>__>> wrote:
> Am 14.07.2012 19:21, schrieb kenji hara:
> 2012/7/15 Benjamin Thaut <code at
> <mailto:code at>
> <mailto:code at
> <mailto:code at>__>>:
> The only problem about this is:
> class Fruit
> {
> class Seed {
> void SetFruit(Fruit fruit)
> {
> this.outer = fruit;
> Setting to pseudo variable 'outer' should be rejected in
> compilation.
> Please report it to bugzilla.
> }
> }
> }
> class Apple: Fruit
> {
> void AppleOnlyMethod(){ ... }
> class AppleSeed: Fruit.Seed {
> void DoSomething()
> {
> AppleOnlyMethod();
> }
> }
> auto GetNewSeed() { return new AppleSeed(); }
> }
> auto apple = new Apple();
> auto seed = apple.GetNewSeed();
> seed.SetFruit(new Fruit());
> seed.DoSomething(); //what happens here?
> Kind Regards
> Benjamin Thaut
> Kenji Hara
> I will not report this, beacuse it will break my custom
> new operator
> (template) for inner classes ;-)
> Kind Regards
> Benjamin Thaut
> That's most unwise, because if it's not supposed to be
> like that it will
> get fixed anyway, so you better start replacing your
> custom new
> operator.
> --
> Bye,
> Gor Gyolchanyan.
> Replacing my custom new operator exactly by what?
> Overloading the build
> in new is deprecated...
> class C{
> class D{
> }
> }
> void main(){
> auto c = new C;
> auto buf = new void[__traits(__classInstanceSize, C.D)];
> (cast(byte[])buf)[] = typeid(C.D).init[];
> auto d = cast(C.D)buf.ptr;
> static if(is(typeof(d.__ctor()))) d.__ctor();
> enum offset=d.outer.offsetof;
> static assert(offset%C.sizeof==0);
> (cast(C[])buf)[offset/C.__sizeof]=c;
> assert(d.outer is c);
> }
> Yes of course I can assign the reference by computing the address
> and then using that to assign it. But the point here is, that this
> is currently the only bug that is hepling me in what I'm doing, and
> I rather want the 7 other bugs I reported so far to be fixed, rather
> then the one that helps me.
> Kind Regards
> Benjamin Thaut
> Not being able to assign is not about some sort of authoritative
> forbidding. It's about not breaking a working mechanism. You can't cast
> a function pointer into a class object not because the type system says
> so (which it does), but because that'll result in an undefined behavior,
> which will result in an immediate crash in the best scenario. Go ahead
> and change the outer via those hacks. But then don't get surprised when
> your program crashes for no reason (because the compiler assumed it not
> to change and ended up being wrong).
> --
> Bye,
> Gor Gyolchanyan.
Before your change suggestion it was absolutley save to assign to outer.
Thats the whole point why I posted this here. I very well know that the
bug will get fixed some time. But before your change suggestion it was
not even a bug.
Kind Regards
Benjamin Thaut
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