D versionning

Andrei Alexandrescu SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org
Sun Jul 15 18:01:41 PDT 2012

On 7/15/12 7:15 PM, Patrick Stewart wrote:
> We are coming back to dsource&  Tango graveyard story. D had equally
> capable and large community to. Its resources got wasted. People
> left. Huge amount of work just wasted for nothing.

Actually a couple of weeks ago I was curious and collected a few 
statistics about the frequency of posts, number of posters, and such. 
The numbers are not yet in shape to be published, but from what I 
gathered so far there was no visible glitch around the D1/D2 divergence. 
There's a strong increase since 2011, but I couldn't yet gather an 
exponential trend.

> On the other hand,
> Python has one of the largest *operational* standard library and tons
> of 3rd party ones. Why? Because with stable language, all those
> libraries stayed in the game.

Agreed, we have much to learn from Python and other successful languages.

I assume those procedures and protocols materialized together with 
strong growth of the community, and may be difficult to transplant to 
our team. Right now my main focus as an organizer is to make sure 
people's cycles are spent on productive, high-impact work. Right now 
Walter is working on Win64, which is of very high impact. A change of 
procedure right now would simply mean time taken away from that task.

Finally, since you are interested in effecting durable positive change 
in D's development, I'll venture that perhaps you're not going the best 
way about it. Your posts attempt almost with no exception to inflame, 
and there's no contribution I know of in your name. That all reduces the 
credibility of your points, however merit there may be in them.



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