OSCON 2012 notes

Andrei Alexandrescu SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org
Fri Jul 20 22:14:57 PDT 2012

I'm back from OSCON 2012, where my talk has enjoyed a somewhat 
unexpected good reception (OSCON is not the most down-D's-alley audience).

The talk abstract is at 
http://www.oscon.com/oscon2012/public/schedule/detail/23888 and the 
slides are at 
There will be a video up some time in the future for the entire talk.

It would be really cool if we could enhance D's offering in the Web 
arena. People were really attracted by the notion of a language not 
requiring many type annotations, yet with the exploratory feel of a 
dynamic language. A small framework or simply a couple of standard 
library components that would make e.g. Vladimir's work (on 
forum.lang.org) or Adam Ruppe's work easy to assemble from preexisting 
parts would be just awesome.

Go has enjoyed a stronger presence in numbers: 
http://www.oscon.com/oscon2012/public/schedule/detail/23906, but my 
perception (confirmed by ratings) is that the reception has been a tad 



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