@trusted considered harmful

David Piepgrass qwertie256 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 27 19:31:55 PDT 2012

> I don't see flaw with 1.
> However 2 doesn't sound right.
>     @trusted {
>       // Do something dirty.
>     }
> You aren't supposed to do dirty things in @trusted code. You're 
> supposed to  safely wrap a system function to be usable by a 
> safe function. The system function is supposed to be short and 
> getting its hands dirty.

True, but since the proposal is that all functions should be 
either @safe or @system, a @trusted block is necessary in a @safe 
function in order to call @system functions. Perhaps you would 
suggest that a @trusted block should be able to _call_ @system 
code but not actually do anything unsafe directly? That sounds 
interesting, but it's not how @trusted currently works.

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